Wellness Tourism
Wellness is about caring for and improving ones health in a leisurely and pleasant environment. It brings together the concepts of care, health, mentality, spirituality, innovation, humanity, style, happiness, harmony, treatment, relaxation, diet and highly specialised medicine.
At Lasery we deal in both treatment and prevention, we have guests and also patients, we are proclive and reactive, we are highly certified and qualified, we are experienced, and we have the most innovative technology.
Wellness Tourism in Mallorca is made up of a combination of high quality services which contribute to an unforgettable, exclusive and personalised health experience.
Wellness es un concepto que significa cuidar y mejorar nuestra salud en un entorno agradable y de ocio. Es unir conceptos como cuidado, salud, mente, espiritual, innovación, humano, estilo de vida, felicidad, armonía, living, tratamientos, relax, dieta, emocional y medicina altamente especializada.
En Lasery curamos y prevenimos, tenemos huéspedes y pacientes, somos proactivos y reactivos, estamos altamente certificados y cualificados, tenemos experiencia y contamos con las técnicas más innovadoras.
Diferentes empresas de alto nivel forman parte de nuestro servicio Wellness en Mallorca para prepararte una experiencia inolvidable, exclusiva y personalizada.